COMMON NAME: Poison Hemlock. Spotted Hemlock.
NATURAL ORDER: Umbelliferae.
HABITAT: A plant native of Europe, but naturalized in the eastern portion of the
United States.
PREPARATION: The juice freshly pressed from the whole herb, just as it has begun to
bloom, is mixed with an equal quantity of alcohol. But instead of this
we might also triturate two grains of the fresh leaves of this plant
with sugar of milk.(chronic diseases- Hahnemann)
HISTORICAL DOSE: All potencies, sixth to thirtieth.
PROVER: Dr. Hahnemann.
An ancient remedy, rendered classical by Plato’s graphic description of this poison which was given to the Greek philosopher Socrates for causing his death.
To the Hahnemann, The considerable medicinal power of this plant obtained from publications in the years 1700-1779, by Stoerck and his many imitators in numerous books, concerning the great results obtained from Conium maculatum. Others during the proving of this undergone many problems by using the crude medicine or large doses. These terrifying examples prevented him from recognizing sooner this plant one of the most important antipsoric medicines.
According to Hahnemann Con. is one of those drugs of which it is exceedingly difficult to distinguish the primary and secondary effects. He thinks,that the primary action is “rigidity, condensation, and constriction of the fibres, with swelling of the glands and diminution of the
senses.” Coffee has been found to be the antidote of hemlock. Nitrate fumes and a sip of coffee used to reduce the effects of excess dosage.
Teste places Con. at the head of the analogues of Acon. is to the heart and arterial system.
In many cases Con. may be regarded as the “Aconite of chronic diseases.” The other Aconite analogues, according to Clarke, are Cham., Seneg., Canth., and Phos. ac.
CONSTITUTION: corresponds to light-haired persons, old persons, old, feeble men,
old maids and bachelors, women of rigid tissue and easily excited and also to those of the opposite temperament. Persons of strong, sedentary habit more than to lively, slender persons and children. Persons who are easily intoxicated with stimulants. Women who have scanty menses, scrofulous constitutions, cancers and glandular enlargements. Cancerous diathesis.
CAUSATION: The effects of blows. Ill effects of contusions, blows, overstraining,overwork. Effects of bruises and shocks to spine. Grief. Sexual excess. Sexual abstinence. Excitement.
CLINICAL: Asthma. Bladder disorders. Breast, disorders. Bronchitis. Bruises. Debility. Cancer. Cataract. Chorea. Cough. Depression. Diphtheria paralysis. Dysmenorrhea. Emaciation. Erysipelas. Eye disorders. Galactorrhea. Herpes.Infertility. Jaundice. Liver,
disorders. Melancholia. Menstruation, disorders. Multiple sclerosis. Numbness. Ovaries disorders. Paralysis. Peritonitis. Prostatitis. Ptosis.Spermatorrhea. Stomach disorders.
Testicle disorders. Tetters. Trismus. Tuberculosis. Tumor. Ulcers. Vertigo. Vision, disordered. Wens.
Acts upon the motor nervous tracts, especially the peripheral extremities of the nerves, producing paralytic conditions. It benumbs the brain and causes vertigo, dilated pupils and even convulsions. It depresses the vagus ganglia, resulting in the fall of blood pressure and quick pulse, but lowers the temparature. It affects in a remarkable degree the glandular system, causing engorgements and indurations, and altering the structure of the glandular substance. In this latter condition we find its chief therapeutic action, rendering it of essential value in
scrofulous and cancerous affections. The main peculiarity of Conium is its adaptability to the diseases of old people, especially old men.
Conium has been used extensively for malignant affections of glands because it takes hold of glands from the beginning and infiltrates and they gradually grow to a stony hardness like scirrhus.
1) Peculiar vertigo which is aggravated by turning the head sidewise,or looks around or turning in bed.
2) Sweat day and night as soon as patient sleeps or even when closing the eyes.Very offensive sweat.(China,Thuja, Cactus, rev of sambucus)
3) Cancerous and scrofulous persons with enlarged and indurated glands. Complaints after contusions or blows.
4) Asending type of paralysis.
5) Breast feels sore, hard, painful especially during the menstual period.
6) Cold stool and flatulence is the unique picture of conium.
MIND: Delirium. Ill-humored and morose (Bry., Coloc., Nux v.). Hypochondriacal depression and indifference (Phos. ac.) Inability to sustain any mental effort (Gels., Nux v.). Want of memory (Anac., Natr. mur., Kreos., Nux m.). Disinclination for business (Cycl. Nux v., Phos.). Dullness; difficulty in understanding what he is reading Averse to being near people, or hearing them talk (Ign.). Inclination to seize hold of and abuse them.
Patients who are worse when idle. Slow grasp, difficult understanding. Women broken down, tired of life, discouraged, who feel as if they were to cry and swallow and choke as from a lump in the throat. Unable to sustain mental effort. Weak memory. No inclination for business or study. Indifferent. Difficulty in understanding what is read. Depressed, timid, averse to society, yet fears being alone.
Superstitious. Periodical insanity of alternating type. While walking on the road wants to hold somebody and abuse him. Trifles seem important. Thinks that animals are jumping on his bed.
Sad, dissatisfied with herself and surroundings. Cannot think after using eyes. Cares very little for things, makes useless purchases, wastes or ruins them. Likes to wear his best clothes. Sadness, worse by sympathy. As if great guilt weighed upon him. Excitement causes mental depression. Fears when alone, but dread of strangers or company during menses.
HEAD: Vertigo (Alum., Aur., Bell. Bry., Nux v.), particularly when lying down and when turning over in bed (Bell.); on rising from bed in morning (Bry.); when walking. Heaviness. Constant confusion in region of eyebrows and root of nose. Stitching pain in forehead; from within outward; morning or at noon. Headache as if the brain were too full and would burst, in the morning on waking. Tearing headache, must lie down. Numbness, with sensation of
coldness, in one side of the head. Sensation in right half of brain, as of a large foreign body. Pain in the occiput with every pulse, as if pierced with a knife.
EYES: Weakness of vision. Weakness and dazzling of the eyes, together with giddiness and debility, especially of arms and legs, on walking, staggering, as if drunken. Burning in the eyes (Ars.) Pupils dilated. Burning on upper surface of lids. Yellowness of the sclerotica. Could scarcely raise the lids; they seem pressed down by a heavy weight (Caust, Natr. ars., Natr. carb. Naja. Physos.), disposed to fall asleep (Nux m.). Sluggish adaption of the eye to varied range of vision.
EARS: Ringing, humming and roaring in the ears (Cinch., Nux v., Sulph.). Stitches in and around the ears (Kali carb., Graph.). Ears feel as if stopped up on blowing the nose. Blood-red ear wax.
FACE: Cancer of lips from pressure of the pipe. Lips burning dry; shooting pains. Submaxillary glands swollen and hard.
MOUTH: Drawing pain in teeth from eating cold food (Ant. crud., Calc. c., Staph., Sulph.). Difficult speech (Caust., Gels., Hyos.) from lingual paralysis. Taste bitter in throat.
STOMACH: Appetite lost. Thirst. Offensive eructations (Arn., Ant. tart., Coccul., Sep.); sour, empty. Violent vomiting; like coffee grounds (Sec.cor.); of clear sour water; of chocolate-colored masses, sour and acrid. Sour rising from the stomach after eating. Violent pain in stomach; pressing, burning squeezing, lancinating (Ars., Coccul.). Pressure and sore, raw feeling at pit of stomach. Pain in epigastric region, gradually extending to left side of abdomen, with nausea. Pain in pit of stomach extending to throat, as if a ball rose (Ign.).
ABDOMEN: Swelling of the abdomen; trembling. Stitches in the hepatic region (Ars., Calc., c., Bry., Kali carb., Sep.); tearing. Lancinatings pain in the abdomen, as if knives were plunged in (Merc.). Stitches extending from the abdomen to the right side of chest. Cutting in abdomen, before the emission of flatus. Pinching pains in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea would
set in. Aching pain in hypogastrium. Forcing down feeling in hypogastrium. Contractive pain in lower abdomen, like after-pains, with urging to stool.
STOOL: Frequent ineffectual urging to stool (Ambr.). Stool. undigested, painless (Cinch); liquid, mixed with hard portions; watery, frequent Tremulous weakness after every stool (Phos.). Involuntary stools during sleep. Frequent stitches in the anus, when not at stool. Burning in the rectum during stool.
URINARY ORGANS: Frequent micturition at night (Ambr., Borax, Phos. ac.). Dribbling after micturition. Burning during and after urination (Acon., Ant.tart.). The flow of urine suddenly stops, and continues again after a short interruption (Clem.).
MALE ORGANS: Sexual desire without erections (Agar., Agn., Nuph.). Emissions even while frolicking with a woman. Discharge of prostatic fluid on every change of motion, without voluptuous thoughts, with itching of the prepuce. Swelling of the testes (Acon., Agn.).
FEMALE ORGANS: Severe itching deep in the vagina (Canth., Merc.) Leucorrhoea;
with weakness and paralyzed sensation in small of back before the discharge; thick, milky, with contractive labor-like pain .white acrid mucus, causing burning (Alum., Iodi., Kreos., Merc., Phos., Puls.). Suppressed or delayed menstruation. Indurations of uterus (Aur.,
Carb., an.); of ovaries; of breasts. Lancinating pains (Bell.). Soreness and swelling of the breasts preceding menses. Shriveling of the mammae (Iodi), with increased sexual desire. Needle-like stitches in left mamma. Terrible nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Tumors in mammae, with piercing pains, worse at night; glands abnormally tender.
RESPIRATORY ORGANS: A dry spot in the larynx, where there is a crawling, and
almost a constant irritation to a dry cough. Violent spasmodic dry cough almost only when first lying down during day or night (Hyos., Puls., Sep.) The clothes lie like a weight on the chest and shoulders. Sharp thrusts directly through the chest, from sternum to spine, while sitting. Violent stitches in right chest, about the nipple, on every inspiration (Bry., Kali
c.); while walking relieved by hard pressure with the hand.
HEART: Palpitation; beats intermit (Digit., Kali carb.) Violent palpitation after drinking. Pulse unequal in strength, and sometimes irregular in rhythm; insufficiency of the mitral valve.
EXTREMITIES: Pain between the scapula. Stitches in small of back, with drawing
through lumbar vertebrae, while standing.Trembling of all the limbs (Coccul., Gels., Merc.,
Stram.). Itching of the dorsum of the finger. Difficulty in using limbs; unable to walk.
Sensation of weakness, even to trembling of the right thigh while walking. Paralvsis of the lower, then of the upper limbs.
SLEEP: Falls asleep only after midnight. Frightful dreams at night and towards morning.
FEVER: Heat through the whole body. Sweat immediately on falling asleep.
MODALITIES: Better while fasting in the dark from letting limbs hand down, motion and pressure, stooping, walking. Better in the sun, dark, pressure. Walking bent. on sitting down, fasting. Worse from seeing moving objects, alcohol, raising arms after exertion, bodily or mental injury. Worse from celibacy, sexual abuse or excess, cold, taking cold, old age. Lying down with head low, turning in bed. Worse from pressure of tight clothing, jar, night, standing, before and during menses, dry, hot air, spring, snowy air.
Conium should be compared with Aethusa, Oenan., Phell., Pertosel., Ammoniac., Asafoet., and other Umbelliferae.
It is antidoted by; Coff., Dulc., Nit. ac., and Nit. Sp. dulc. It antidotes; Merc., Nit. ac., Sul. Compatible; Arn., Ars., Bell., Calc., Lyc., Nux, Phos., Puls., Rhus, Stram.
Incompatible; I have sometimes found Con. disagree with patients who had been taking Psor.
Compare; in swelling and painfulness of breasts before and during menses, Calc. (Con. precedes and follows Calc. well in Calc. subjects who have scanty menses; Bell. corresponds to Calc. in other respects); in scanty menses, Graph.; in suppressed lochia, Nux, Hyo., Pul., Secal.; as if in a dream, Ambra, Anac., Calc., Can. ind., Stram.; ascending paralysis, Hydrocy. ac., Mang. (descending, Merc.); paralysis, post-diphtheritic, Gels.; sexual
melancholia, Zn. ox.; vertigo when turning in bed, Sil. (Sil. has vertigo when turning to left, whilst lying down); < beginning to move, > by continued motion, Rhus; bruised glands, Sul. ac. Impotence, Phos.; weakness after stool, Phos. (most marked), Nux.