Best Homeopathic medicine for teething in infants

Topmost Homeopathic medicine for teething in infants:

The teething in infants usually starts between the age of 2nd and 6th month. However, teething may delay in some infants. In this article, we will discuss important Homeopathic medicine for teething in infants. In addition, Homeopathy medicine for teething problems and Homeopathic medicine for delayed dentition discussed. Furthermore, Homeopathic medicine for teething pain also discussed. Loose motions in infants during dentition is also a common problem we encounter. The important Homeopathy medicine for loose motion during teething also mentioned here.

homeopathic medicine for teething in infants

Let us discuss some Important Homeopathy medicine for Teething problems:

The topmost homeopathy medicine for teething problems is Calcarea Phosphorica. Calcarea Homeopathic medicine is especially most useful among all. It works great in 6x potency.

Calcarea Phos 6x for teething in Infants:

Calcarea Phosphorica 6x uses for babies mainly include the delay in the dentition. Particularly anxiety in infants, moaning, and groaning along with slow dentition indicates Calcarea Phos 6x for teething.

  1. Calcarea Phosphorica for teething side effects: 6x is very low potency. Moreover, it comes under tissue salt or cell salt. Calcarea Phos will not cause any side effects in 6x potency. However, too frequent doses of Calcarea Phosphorica for teething can produce side effects like moaning, slow-closing of fontanel’s and Caries teeth, etc.
  2. When to start Calcarea Phosphorica for babies: the absence of teething even after 6 months can be considered as a delay. You can start Calcarea phosphorica for babies after 6 months of age. However, waiting up to the 8th month suggested. Particularly, Calcarea Phosphorica 6x for babies is safe to start after the 6th month.
  3. Calcarea phosphorica 6x uses for babies also includes cold and cough during cold wet weather.

Aslo see Calcarea Phosphorica Materia Medica

How to give Calcarea phosphorica 6x dosage for babies:

  1. How to give Calcarea phosphorica to babies: It is a very important question. Take one Calcarea phos 6x tablet on to a clean and dry paper. Crush the 6x tablet and make it powder. Likewise, give Calcarea phosphorica to babies in powdered form. Place the powdered form of Calcarea phos 6x on the infant’s tongue.
  2. Daily 4 tablets in powdered form one tablet at a time for one month is suggestible as Calcarea phosphorica 6x dosage for babies. However, your Homeopathic doctor will able to suggest the exact Calcarea phosphorica 6x dosage for the baby.
  3. What is Calcarea Phosphorica 12x? It is a little higher potency compared to Calcarea phos 6x. When 6x potency does not work you need to increase potency and go for Calcarea Phosphorica 12x. In addition, Calcarea Phos 30c and 200c are also useful Homeopathic potencies for teething in infants.

Apart from Calcarea Phosphorica medicine for baby teething, some other homeopathic medicines are important.

Belladonna for teething in infants:

Delay in teething along with high fever often indicates Belladona Homeopathic medicine for teething in infants. In addition, Moaning indicates Belladonna as the best homeopathy medicine for teething problems. Moreover, Belladonna is also the most indicated homeopathic medicine for teething pain in infants.

Calcarea carbonica is also a best slow teething homeopathy Medicine:

The chief indication of this homeopathic medicine for teething in infants is calcium deficiency. Particularly Calcarea carb benefits as teething homeopathy medicine for infants of family history of delay in the dentition. The tablet form of Calcarea carb for teething is right for your baby. Calcarea carb 6x homeopathic teething tablets for infants are much more useful. Apart from Calcarea carbonica 6x, 30c and 200c are also benefits for delayed dentition in infants. A single dose of Calcarea carb 30 or 200c homeopathic medicine for delayed dentition works slowly for a long time. Moreover, no need to repeat the Calcarea carb teething homeopathy medicine often. However, the dosage must confirm with your Homeopathic doctor.

Silicea is another top most Homeopathic Medicine for delayed dentition in infants:

The primary indication of Silicea teething Homeopathy medicine is sweating on the scalp. Moreover, open fontanel’s with delay in dentition indicates this extraordinary Homeopathic medicine for teething problems in infants. In addition, lack of assimilation causes a delay in dentition calls Silicea homeopathy for teething. Furthermore, Silicea is also a tissue salt in Homeopathy. Silicea 6x homeopathy potency for teething is the most beneficial. As mentioned above, Silicea 6x homeopathic teething tablets for infants also can give 4 times a day. Most important is teething tablets must powder before give it to your baby. Otherwise, strictly follow your Homeopathic doctor’s suggestion on how to give Homeopathic teething tablets to babies.

Tuberculinum is the most useful homeopathy medicine for teething problems in infants:

Tuberculinum homeopathy for teething indicates when your baby loses weight even though eat a lot. Moreover the family history of tuberculosis cause delay in dentition in some cases. In such a case, Tuberculinum is the best homeopathic medicine for delayed dentition. Further is also an excellent homeopathic medicine for teething pain. Teeth pain in babies before storm and changes of the weather of whether often indicate Tuberculinum homeopathy remedy for teething. It works best in 200c and 1m potency. More conscious thing, Tuberculinum is a nosode. One must have doctor suggestion before using Tuberculinum for teething in homeopathy.

Chamomilla is especially a Homeopathic Medicine for teething pain in infants and babies:

Most irritable infants always need Chamomilla for teething pain. Moreover, Chamomilla is a good Homeopathic Medicine for teething pain in infants with restlessness. Infants weep all the time and want to carry while dentition often needs Chamomilla. This homeopathic medicine for teething pain works best in 200c potency. A single pill is enough to stop teething pain. However, please confirm the dose with your Homeopathic doctor.

Also see Chamomilla Child Materia Medica

Some other useful homeopathy medicine for teething problems – especially slow dentition:

  • Calcarea fluorica
  • Fluoricum Acidum
  • Magnesium Carbonicum
  • Magnesium Muriaticum
  • Phosphorus
  • Sulphur
  • Thuja Occidentalis

Other useful homeopathic medicine for delayed and particularly difficult dentition:

  • Borax veneta
  • Coffea cruda
  • Ignatia amara
  • Kreosotum
  • Mercurius solubilis
  • Phytolacca decandra
  • Podophyllum peltatum
  • Rheum palmatum
  • Staphysagria

Dentition Homeopathic Remedies

Finally, we need to know homeopathy medicine for loose motion during teething:

Diarrhea or loose stool during dentition is a common symptom in most infants. Dentition is an important phase in the infant’s development. During this phase, all of the bodies’ resources concentrate on the process of dentition. It is the reason that the baby may prone to Bacterial infections. Moreover, reabsorption of calcium from long bones causes white stools. We have well-proved homeopathy medicine for loose motion during teething in our repertory.

Here we mention only topmost homeopathy medicine for loose motion during teething in infants: especially green stool.

  • Calcarea carbonica: indications are loose stool with sour smell during dentition. Moreover, it is the best homeopathic medicine for green stool in babies.
  • Chamomilla: Irritability and restlessness in infants with loose stools during dentition indicates this homeopathy medicine. Chamomilla is also good homeopathic medicine for green stool in babies.
  • Dulcamara:  change of weather during teething causes green loose stool indicates Dulcamara.

More homeopathy medicine for loose motion during teething in infants

  • Ferrum metallicum: Anemic babies with loose stools during dentition often require Ferrum metallicum.
  • Rheum palmatum: Unbearable sour loose stools during teething indicate this Homeopathic medicine.
  • Silicea terra: Lack of assimilation causes loose stool during teething in infants need Silicea Homeopathy medicine.

What else if we forget to mention in relation to Homeopathy for the teething problem, let us know through comments.

I am Dr.Devendra Kumar, I am a Homeopathic Physician. I pursued my BHMS degree from Dr.Gururaju Govt Homeopathic Medical College, Gudivada, and MD Homeopathy from JSPS Govt Homeopathic Medical College, Hyderabad, India.worked as Senior Research Fellow under Central Council for Research in Homeopathy,

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