Metals Homeopathic Remedies

Metals are conductors of electro magnetic conductors and their strcture is unaltured by their conduction.

Physic chemical properties of metals

Appears as cations, oxides and base forming.
Melting point, boiling point and density are high.
They are very good conductors of heat and electricity, resistant to heat and can tolerate heat better.
Difficult solibility, solibulity depends on valency, stability increases with valency.
Poorly absorbed from unbroken mucous membrane.
Alkalinity decreases with series, increases in the group with atomic number.
They forms complexes and colour salts.
Depth of action increases with atomic number.

Sphere of action and pathophysiology:

Predominantly acts on nervous system and skin.
As the nervous system is conducting and connecting system with Electro magnetic energy.
As metals forms colour complexes they form pigmentation on skin.
And also acts on Musculo skeletal system, GIT, GUT, R.S etc., causes irritation, inflammation, induration and ulceration.

I. Suppressions.
• Uninterrupted Grief.
• Stocks, disappointments.
• Suppression due to drugs (steroids, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive drugs, etc.)
• Radiation
• Suppression of discharges.
• Surgical suppression
II. Stimulants
• Alcohol.
• Tobacco.

III. Syphilis or gonorrhoea Past history of

IV. Sexual indulgence. Sexual Neurasthenia.

V. Symptoms of mind acquired from physical suppressions.

Guiding indications:
Predomiunantly chilly. But pain is > by cold application.
In metals, mental symptoms are concomitants.
Symptoms develop gradually or suddenly rise up and come down gradually. Sycotic background -> Syphilitic state.
Pain, very high intensity. Progress is slow. Relief is gradual. Constant dull continuous pain maddening type of pain. Patient becomes neurotic with pain. Pain < touch. Pain > Hard pressure, > tight bandage.
Useful in acute exacerbation of a chronic condition.
Opposite states as a result of toxic effects of metals. Initially hyperactive state of system (because of rejection by the system) which is seen as < touch, hyperesthesia. But finally leads to destruction. Highly irritable, excitable, hysterical (plumb, plat.). Hopefulness with Hopelessness of despair (Aurum)
Hyperactive state is very short. But hypoactivity is very prolonged.
Profuse Salivation.
Discharges – Acrid offensive thick yellowish green. Pathological discharge exhausts the patient. Breathlessness after expectoration

Physical generals:
Desires desires abnormal things and those things which aggravate.
Desires: Stimulants, raw food, pica (Alum, Stann)
Aversion:- To good nutritious food.
Tremendous desire for sex +3. Nymphomania. Desire with no action
Sleep: Sleep, Dreams: Amorous++
Of impending diseases
Urine: Tenesmus , paralysis, paresis. Affection of sacral plexus.
Stool: Paresis and paralysis. Constipation++. Hard, dry, ball like stools.
Involuntary stool and urine ++ (If involuntary elimination due to weakness: carbon, acid group)
Perspiration: Profuse, copious. No amount of perspiration ameliorates. Perspiration-stains, offensive.
Menses: Scanty. Blood- dark, painful, staining, offensive and indelible (plat). Cystic growths , tumors and severe pain in ovaries.

Reactivity and depth of action increases with atomic number

Evolution of mental symptoms:

Eg: Scandium , Uraniium
Does not have individual personality or identity. Indecisive and confused.

Eg: Titanium Zirconium
Indecisive, , tremendous anxiety uncertainty of mind. Inactive no control over thoughts and actions.

Eg: Vanadium
Many ideas excessive preparation before going to begin a task, hesitates to put in to action, does not want to take responsibility. High goals, perfectionism creates anxiety leads fear failure.

Eg: Chromium Molybdenum
Accepts challenges in all respects, very stubborn and dominating, commitment, steps are irreversible.

Eg: Manganese
Intelligent and perfect in knowledge, requires only training becomes master, clairvouant and he has intutions to help others. Accepts the challenges, and confident to achieves his goals.