Sycotic Co [Syc-co]:


+ Bowel Nosode


Sallow; pale; anaemic puffy. Greasy skin. Dark haired more than fair haired. Prematurely grey hair. Hairs on face, and upper lip. Alopecia.


Nervous, tense, Cross; restless, weepy, depressed, shy; sensitive, fussy Fear of being alone of animals and dogs. Exhausted. Mostly cold sensitive. Bites nails.


Headache- weekly every Sunday morning () heat and rest (

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kartikeya Panigrahi

    Dear Sir My wife is suffering psychiatric problem since last 12 years , Now she is taking yelopathic medicine. Grazually higher does of yelopathic medicine are also not responding on her ,is it cureable in homeo pathic ? if yes what should be out step ,She is fedup and not ready to take any medicine ,Pl help I am help less pl suggest

    1. drdevendrakumar

      please send me more details to suggest remedy Your Name:*
      Whatsapp mobile::*
      Present Symptoms:
      Past History (Do u have any other diseases?):
      Treatment History (Used any other medicines?):
      How is your Appetite, thirst, bowel movement, sweat, urine etc?:
      What kind of food you like? sweets, spicy, salt, eggs,chicken, fish, meat, cool drinks etc?:
      Your mentality, anger, easily weeping, jelousy, fear etc?:
      Any investigations ?:

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