– Dr.  V.  Krishnaamurthy
32/56, Kuppaiah Street, West Mambalam, Chennai – 600 033. India
Phone: 044-24890370, 09884612450, 09789069362 E-mail:

When we come to the practical aspects, it is the intelligence of the practitioner that counts more than anything else. Most homoeopaths end up as symptom-coverer as the following case illustration would show:

Case: Letter from Dr. X., M.D.(Radiologist), 33 years, is given below.
“Respected sir, This is Dr. .. These are the following things all my complaints.
1.Loss of libido (lack of sexual desire). Since l year, my U.T.A. and stricture problem started. My sexual life very limited. Now we are trying for kids. But I am not much active sexual life. Please do the needful.

Lack of Desire homeo
Lack of Desire

2.Three months ago suffered with severe cough. That I had pneumonia patch in right midzone (of lung). No cough subsided but on an off pain is coming right posterial chest wall where pneumonia patch was there previously.

3.Hypertension. My blood pressure sometime touching 150/ 100. If I take twice (BP tablet) daily dose. Then it will be controlled.
4.Overweight. I observed I am putting more weight. My food intake also seems increased. I am fond of sweets and junk food. My present weight is 118 kg. Please do the needful.”

MOST IMPORTANT NOTE TO BE BORNE IN MIND: We are going to learn something new and unique out of this case. Every case is, of course, unique. There is difference between a symptom-coverer and a true homoeopathic physician. Any average practitioner would work out on the following symptoms:

  1. Impotency
  2. Hypertension
  3. Obesity

What the patient tells is just and mere cotton. No one can wear cotton as such. We have to make thread out of cotton, then weave cloth with the thread; and stitch a shirt out of that cloth. Now only it is ready for wearing. So also, out of the symptoms told by the patient we have to conceive and derive many things. In the above case, the practitioner must work out the case as under:

The age of the patient is 33.

Point No. 1: He has impotency, hypertension. These two symptoms, put together, should be viewed from a different angle. These two normally appears in old age, i.e. above sixty years of age. But we find this in a person of 33 years. Therefore, the term pre-senility should at once come to our mind. In other words, he should be treated as an old-age patient.

Point No. 2: He is already an allopathic doctor and the medicines he had taken fail to bring down the blood pressure. Therefore, the term ‘lack of reaction’ should also come to our mind.

The above two symptoms are ‘general symptoms.’ Wherever possible we must always work out cases on ‘general symptoms.’ Craving for sweets, increased intake of food are secondary.

SAMUEL LILIENTHAL’S HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS: Constitution, Age…(page 233-234) –For old people—aged persons get very fleshy: Kali carb., Aur-met., Op., Sec., Amm-carb., Fluor-ac. [We take this because, though the patient is just 33 years old, he has pre-senility.]

These six remedies are studied in Boericke’s Mat. Med. Only the first para or preamble under various remedies are useful for confirming one out of the several remedies selected through the repertory:

The remedy Ammonium carb. was selected because of the following words found under that in Boericke’ Mat. Med.

The diseased conditions met by this remedy are such as we find often in rather stout . . . have a slow reaction generally, . . . Mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are especially affected. Fat patients with weak heart . . .

HOW TO CONFIRM A REMEDY WITH BOERICKE. If the remedy selected by you is correct—the similimum, then the symptom appears in the first sentence of that remedy in Boericke. Or, if the symptom appears in the subsequent sentences, it is either given in italics; or, it is preceded by an adjective or followed by an adverb.

Again, let us read Ammon-carb. in the FINAL MAT. MED. OF MIND SYMPTOMS and there we find the following to further confirm our selection:

…makes frequent mistakes in speaking and writing; …gloomy, depressed…[If the reader carefully read the letter of the patient reproduced on page 5, he can notice the glaring grammatical mistakes made by the patient. For this reason alone we have reproduced his letter without correcting the spelling and other mistakes.]

Amm-carb.10M, one single dose and placebo. Patient shows much progress in his health and is under treatment.

One has to decide whether he would remain as a mere symptom-coverer in his lifetime or he would like to be a Homoeopathic Physician.
Case: [Letter from Mrs. XYZ, 27 years is given below] “Respected Dr. Krishnamurthy

I am feeling depressed and getting angry very easily because of my problems in the joint family. Frankly I am not enjoying my (present) life. I am always worried of some or the other problem.

Depression Easily homeo
Depression Easily

I completed the previous medicine you have given. As well I am now using them. The feeling of childlessness is always worrying me a lot. It has been 4 years of our married life.

And, again coming to my problems the growth of unnatural hair is a bit better, but no complete cure is seen. Hair fall, dry skin, loss of elasticity of skin, stretch marks, joint pains are also worrying me a lot. I am also having slight visual disturbances and headache sometimes. Every day I wake up in the morning that I am not active. I am having body pains, backache, due to which the start of the day is lazy and uninteresting. This is all about my problems sir. Kindly give the medicine accordingly.”

Symptoms from the above case to be taken for repertorisation.

1. Anger (a symptom of will)
2. Worried — Anxiety
3. ‘Every day I wake up in the morning that I am not active’ — sleep, unrefreshing.
4. Lazy and uninteresting — Dullness.

Kent’s Repertory: Anger (top-grade remedies) + Sleep, unrefreshing (top-grades) = Nit-ac. (we read this remedy in the MATERIA MEDICA OF MIND SYMPTOMS) and it does not match with the patient. When you get no remedy or 1-2 remedies

(after repertorisation) and they do not match with the patient, you must become alert! You have not chosen the correct rubrics.

Though ‘Sleep, unrefreshing’ is a general symptom, it has no value in the case of dull patients (the start of the day is lazy and uninteresting) there is another general symptom in this case. She has (a) hair fall, (b) visual problems, and (c) headache.

Two or more complaints above the neck: for this take the rubric Congestion in the Chapter Generalities in Kent’s Repertory.

Top-grade remedies common to the rubrics ‘Anger’ plus ‘Congestion’ are: Acon., Nux-v., Sulph.

We now read these three remedies in the MATERIA MEDICA OF MIND SYMPTOMS by the author and the following lines under the remedy Sulphur agrees with the case.

. . . Venous lethargy, inclination to consume hours in doing nothing, does not take any interest in anything . . .
being too lazy to rouse himself up . . .

Sulphur-10M one single dose was given. Patient is improving and is under treatment.
In his Lesser Writings Dr. James Tyler Kent points out, “Homoeopathy is slow to win its way because of defective use of books as well as because of defective books.” One cannot learn swimming without first getting into the water. So also, to learn car driving, on the first day itself you are made to sit on the wheels! Thus without actual cases one cannot learn homoeopathic practice. Let us therefore side by side, study with the actual cured cases. There are no ‘theories’ or ‘principles’ in homoeopathy. Following are cured cases:

Case: A patient met with a vehicle accident and his thigh bone was broken. After treatment he was okay, but very soon had developed complications and after taking all necessary tests he was told by the doctors that his kidney (though not injured in the accident) was not functioning and he was put on dialysis. If the practitioner has thorough knowledge of the valuable reference works, he can prescribe the similimum in some cases without even seeing the patient (and questioning for ‘sensation, modality, concomitants’ etc.)

This case is very easy. In all vehicle accidents a victim invariably rolls down either inside the vehicle or on the road and the spinal cord and/or the trunk is twisted (as when we twist a cloth after washing by holding both ends to extract excess water from it.)

Now his kidney is not functioning. After road accidents if an organ fails (without any injury to that organ) the only probable cause is that the plexus (a network of veins or nerves) of that organ is affected and this is not revealed in x-ray or scan report. [See BRITISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MEDICAL PRACTICE – 12 volumes.]

Wilkinson’s Materia Medica comes to our help in this case. In this book under the remedy Eupatorium purpureum we find the following:

“Through the renal plexus, this remedy has a specific and special action upon the kidneys. . .”

This remedy was given in one single dose in the 10M potency. His kidney started functioning normally and dialysis was stopped. It is now more than two years and the patient is in good health.

Case: For outstation patients, I ask them to write down their symptoms on a paper in their own handwriting and send it to me. The letter of one such patient is given below:

“Respected doctor, I am suffering from chronic sugar for 15 years, and I am taking medicines regularly. I am having ulcer also for the past 10 years and taking medicines only for ulcer then and there and mostly avoiding pain-killer tablets and antibiotics.

Now for the past six months I am having throat pain due to reflux in the stomach irritation. Now throat infection got cured but mouth ulcer started before 2 months. For that also I took Riboflavin daily six tablets and Histac, Pan40 etc. But I am vexed of tablets, tablets, tablets. In the meantime I have seen your valuable books and am getting excited. Please kindly guide me.”

Finding the remedy—the similimum for this patient is simple and very easy. There are two mind symptoms:

(A) “I am vexed of tablets, tablets, tablets.” For ‘vexation’ Kent’s Repertory tells us to see “Irritability.”

(B) She says that she got excited by seeing my books because she feels they are valuable. For this mind symptom you

should not take the rubric ‘Excitement, excitable.’ The correct rubric for this is ‘gay, frolicsome, hilarious.’ The equivalent rubric in Kent’s Repertory (under the chapter ‘MIND’) is ‘Mirth.’

I now compare the remedies in top-grade in both the rubrics viz., ‘Mirth’ and ‘Irritability.’ Only one remedy viz., Natrum carb is found in top-grade in both the lists. As a next step I read the remedy in the author’s FINAL AND SENSIBLE MAT. MEDICA OF MIND SYMPTOMS. We find the following: “exceedingly irritable . . . dyspepsia, with sour belching, waterbrash, retching…” (see the patient’s letter above. She writes, ‘I am vexed of tablets, tablets, tablets.’) Again in Wilkinson’s Mat. Medica we find the following under Nat-carb.:

“Irritable,  excitable  mood  .  .  .

Subacute, inflammatory irritation of whole alimentary mucous membrane, from mouth to anus.”

Natrum-carb-10M single dose was given. It not only cured her completely of the gastric complaints but also diabetes.

Precision and versatility is the culture of homoeo-pathy.

The abovementioned books are available with the author for sale as under (including postage):


BRITISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF MEDICAL PRACTICE [12 Volumes and one index volume, each volume about 650 pages]—For diagnosis and differential diagnosis only. Rs.15,300=00