Born on May, 7, 1868 in Riverton of Connecticut.
Primary education – Public school of Winsted
Completed graduation in 1886 from Winsted High School
After graduation decided to make his career in medicine particularly in homoeopathy.
Took admission in New York Homoeopathic Medical College from where he did his matriculation in 1892
After matriculation studied for 4 years & obtained graduation in homoeoepathic medicine in 1896 from same institution.
Started medical practice in 1896 in Brattlebaro in Vermont.
Practiced here for 3 years as a successful practitioner
3 years later he shifted to Connecticut
Started his clinic here in Elizabeth Street, at Deroy
Practiced homoeopathy for nearly 50 years.
Became member of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society after starting his practice in Shelton
President of this society for 2 years from 1904 to 1906
Later elected as it secretary & remained in this position for more than 30 year.
In 1907, became member of American Institute of Homoeopathy
Elected to membership in the International Hahnemannian Association in 1910
Entrusted with Presidential Post of this organization in 1923 for 10 years from 1924 to 1934
Was the secretary – Treasurer of International Hahnemannian Association
Was one of the incorporators of the American Foundation for Homoeopathy
Many years he was a member of the faculty of the post Graduate school under management of this foundation.
Selected to Editor in Chief of Homoeopathic Recorder until 1934
Probably he was the only & first man to serve in U.S. Army Medical Corps during World War with rank of First Lieutenant
Was master of homoeopathic philosophy & his command over homoeopathic Materia Medica was overwhelming
His Study of Remedies by Comparison is a classic work of Materia Medica
Specially to the Therapeutics of Rheumatic Fever
But his greatest work & contribution is The Principles & Art of Cure by Homoeopathy published in 1935
Sensation As If
Dr. Robert’s devoted his entire life to the interests & services of homoeopathy
His long hours of research, writings, & teaching in the midst of a busy practice were his sacrifices to strengthen homoeopathy
On 13, October 1950, this great philosopher & ideal follower of homoeopathy died in Brattlebro, Vermont
• Title
• Dedication
• Foreword – by Author
• Contents
• Repertory proper
• List of Remedies and Abbreviations
Title of the book with authors name & designation along with Publishers address is given.
This work is dedicated to Samuel Hahnemann , the first to evaluate subjective symptoms.
3. FOREWORD (About the Book)
This is given by the author – Dr. H.A.Roberts on Jan, 10, 1937 at Derby, Conn.
This is enlarged version of the valuable little work of Sensations As If which was compiled by Dr. A.W.Holcomb and published under the auspices of The Medical Advance in 1894.
Grateful Acknowledgement is given to the late Dr. W.A. Yingling for the original impulse to compile such a work& to the great help he proffered by sending numerous symptoms he had collected for this purpose
Interleaved copy of Holcomb’s work by Yingling & dependence upon the original work, nurtured the inspiration to develop it still further.
Besides these two sources, Hering’s Guiding Symptoms, Clarke’s Dictionary & Allen’s Handbook, frequent references have been made to Allen’s Encyclopedia.
Others are Anshutz’s New, Old & Forgotten Remedies have served in adding further symptoms.
Inspite of scanning countless pages for over 3 years many symptoms that proper;y belong here are missing.
Even then certain errors may persists esp. from source, Allen’s Symptoms Register.
He instructs that “ Let the single symptom be only a partial indication to the application of the Materia Medica. Beware the keynote that is not backed up by knowledge of or reference to the Materia Medica. No single symptom, no mater how ‘strange, rare & peculiar’ can stand without the support of the well taken case and the likeness of the whole patient to the remedy”
It is true , however, that we may see cases where the regular course of repertorization fails to reveal the similimum. It is in such a case as this that the special repertory may provide a clue to a remedy not included in the general repertory or not so strikingly brought to our mind. This is the field of Sensations As If, as one possible indicator of the elusive similimum.
Starts with Mind and Sensorium & ends with List of Remedies and Abbreviations with their page numbers. 26 sections are given.
In 1894, A.W.Holcomb first published Sensations As If in Chicago with 130 pages.
This original wok was later expanded by H.A.Roberts.
Sensation As if by Roberts first published by Boericke & Tafel in 1937 with 519 pages.
B.Jain publishers reprint this book in India in 1995
The present description of this book is given based on low priced edition August 2002, by B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
740(Dr.Harinadham), More than 760(Reperire), 741 drugs given in index but 732 drugs only represented.
Only one gradation is used Typogarphy – ordinary Italics.
This repertory is divided into 25 sections with List of Remedies & Abbreviations at the last.
All subjective feelings , sensations are collected under the following chapters:
• Mind & Sensorium
• Head
• Eyes & Vision
• Ears & Hearing
• Nose
• Face & Jaw
• Mouth, Tongue, Taste, Teeth, Gums
• Throat
• Stomach
• Abdomen
12.Rectum, Anus & Stool
13.Urinary Organs
14.Male Sexual Organs
15.Female Sexual Organs
16.Internal Chest
17.External Chest
18.Respiratory Organs
19.Heart & Circulation
20.Neck & Back
21.Upper Extremities
22.Lower Extremities
23.Sleep & Dreams
Chapters are arranged as per Hahnemannian Anatomical schema
Mind & Sensorium is the first chapter. It starts with ‘Sensations As If –’ given in roman bold big font with hyphen-’.
Then the chapter name is given as MIND AND SENSORIUM in capital bold small font
Consequent chapter starts only with their chapter headings.
Each chapter starts in a new page
In every page SENSATION AS IF – given in capital ordinary in left side of book in centre of upper part with page number in upper left border & its underlined the whole.
In right side of the book the chapter heading given in ordinary capitals in upper centre with page number in right border on the top & the whole is underlined.
Wherever chapter starts the page number is found in centre of the bottom of the age& the underline is not represented.
Subrubrics are given under main rubric with one indentation inside with a hyphen ‘-’, followed by symptoms in ordinary roman & drugs
If a rubric continues in next page, the main rubric is mentioned in roman bold followed by hyphen ‘-’ & mentioned Continued in ordinary italics.
Eg. Pg 140, Vision – Continued
Sub subrubrics are given with one indentation inside from subrubric & mentioned directly in ordinary roman without any hyphen
Eg Pg 140 Vision
animals on lying down
Certain conditions are given in parenthesis in main rubric as well as in subrubric also
Eg. Pg 1, Absent(forgetful)-Bar.c.
Pg7, Death-must result(cardiac trouble)-Pop.
Certain rubrics aggravation & amelioration mentioned as < & >
Eg. Pg 21, Move, yet >by motion she could not-Homar
Pg 9, Air-blowing on forehead,