Homeopathic medicine for Cholecystitis

Homeopathic medicine for Cholecystitis:

Cholecystitis is the Inflammation of the Gallbladder. This is the main garbage store in the digestive system. In addition, it contains the same bacteria as the cecum. In fact, the kidney is a natural drain for the gallbladder. Frequent kidney infections, such as colibacillosis may have origins in the gallbladder. Homeopathic medicine for Cholecystitis is aim in raising the body immunity. As a result, Homeopathic treatment for Cholecystitis helps in the prevention of infections. Therefore, Homeopathic medicines cure the Cholecystitis permanently. Homeopathic remedies act well on Cholecystitis, except in surgical cases.

Homeopathic medicine for Cholecystitis

Also, see Best Homeopathic medicine to dissolve gallstones without Operation

Homeopathic Medicines for Acute Cholecystitis:

To eliminate wastes from gallbladder:

  • Nux Vomica 6c, 20 drops, every 2 hours (careful in case of lithiasis)
  • Hydrastis, Mandragora, Podophyllum, Raphanus, Ricinus, and Taraxacum are useful.

Homeopathic Medicine for the pain in Gallbladder with Cholecystitis:

Belladonna is a Homeopathic Remedy for cutting pain in gallbladder with extreme sensitivity to least touch. Chelidonium is also benefited in gallstone pain when constriction is across the abdomen. In this case, the key point is, pain occurs through the stomach to the right shoulder. Bryonia and China are the Homeopathic medicines for Cholecystitis with over sensitiveness relieve by strong pressure. The least movement of the abdomen causes great pain.

BERBERIS Vulgaris greatly helps in the treatment of pain of Cholecystitis with constant urging to stools. pain relief by bending forwards, rubbing, and local heat on the other hand, suggest Colocynthis and Magnesia Phosphorica.

Injectable Homeopathic Medicines for Cholecystitis:

  • Inject the substance in the painful points, with a thin needle, just under the epidermis, every 2 hours, as needed.
  • The remedy can make with one or several substances by mixing the sterile ampoules together as needed.
  • Here are 2 preparations which cover the classical symptoms of an attack. Alternate the following 2 preparations every 2 hours, as needed :
  1. BELLADONNA 8, and BERBERIS 8, and CHELIDONIUM 8 then CHAMOMILLA 8, and COLOCYNTHIS 8, and NEPENTHES 8:  for the infectious syndrome.Alternate with ARSENICUM ALBUM and PYROGENIUM
  2. in case of obstruction, before and after surgery: CROTALUS 4C, or LACHESIS 4C

However, Injection in Homeopathy is totally against the basic concepts. Therefore, the Homeopathic community does not support it.


I am Dr.Devendra Kumar, I am a Homeopathic Physician. I pursued my BHMS degree from Dr.Gururaju Govt Homeopathic Medical College, Gudivada, and MD Homeopathy from JSPS Govt Homeopathic Medical College, Hyderabad, India.worked as Senior Research Fellow under Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, https://homeoresearch.com/about-me/

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