Homeopathic Medicine for Genital Infections:
Infections in genital organs are often neglected health conditions. Especially the sexually transmitted diseases come into the mind. Gonococcal and syphilitic ulcers in males and females will have a deep impact on life. Homeopathic medicine for few important Genital infections in females and males is discussed here.

Local application for genital infections in Homeopathy:
The patient with Genital infections usually asks the doctor for a local treatment first. In this case, Calendula Mother Tincture especially helps in the local treatment for genital infections. Calendula Mother Tincture, hip baths with one teaspoon in a liter of boiled water is useful. In addition, calendula 1% solution in sterile water benefits for local Homeopathic treatment of genital infection. Similarly, 2% of Calendula Homeopathic mother tincture can use in the local ointment for the treatment of genital infections.
Homeopathic medicine for Genital infection in Woman:
Pyrogenium, Hepar Sulfur, Medorrhinum, Mercurius Solubulis, and Platina are helpful for acute Homeopathic treatment of Bartholin’s gland infection. Hydrastis and Kreosotum are for the vaginitis.
Pulsatilla and Hydrastis greatly benefit in the Homeopathic treatment of Vulvitis of the young girls. On the other hand, Mercurius Corrosivus and Kreosotum are Homeopathic medicines for Vulvitis in women.
Homeopathic remedy for Genital Infections in Man:
Homeopathic treatment for Balanitis:
The infection of the penis with extreme redness is curable with Cannabis. In fact, Mercurius solubulis and Nitric acid are useful in the case of bleeding and a tendency to suppuration.
Eczema over Penis:
Croton Tiglium is the remedy for intense redness and itching on the penis. Vesicles on the penis and scrotum are curable with Croton Tiglium. This Homeopathic medicine also helps in the treatment of Herpes on the penis. : Nitric Acid benefits in condylomata and warts on the penis. In this case, penile infections are burning and itching with vesicles. This Homeopathic remedy cures herpes and ulcerations on the penis.
Petroleum is for the dryness and cracks on genital organs. Thin discharges from genial infections with itching and roughness indicate petroleum Homeopathy. Rhus Tox is especially for vesicles on hairy parts. Urticaria and herpes on the penis, alternate with rheumatisms in particular indicate Rhus tox.
Also, see Homeopathic Treatment for Eczema are Effective?
Homeopathic remedies for Orchitis and orchiepididymitis:
Belladonna and Pyrogenium are Homeopathic medicines for Orchitis at the beginning stage. Testicular inflammation with redness suggests Phytolacca decandra. Hardening and pain with fever also call this Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of genital infections. Hamamelis and Pulsatilla are the remedies for Orchitis with intense congestion and bluish red.
Aurum Metallicum and Mercurius Solubulis are for extremely hard and sensitive in testes with Orchitis. Harness in testes on the other hand, suggest conium and Bromium for the Homeopathic treatment of Orchitis and Epididymitis. Persistence of pain in testes especially indicates Clematis Erecta and Spongia.
Homeopathic medicine for Testis ectopia:
Homeopathic treatment for ectopic testes must start at an early age. It should be long before puberty and continued for at least one year. Surgery should perform if ectopic testes not resolved with Homeopathic treatment. Baryta Carbonica and Arum metallicum are useful Homeopathic medicines for ectopic testes in particular.
Urethritis – Homeopathic remedy:
Mercurius Corrosivus and Argentum Nitricum are the Homeopathic medicine greatly beneficial in the treatment of urethritis.
Sexually transmitted diseases, on the other hand, produce a great number of genital infections. S.T.D’s are also producing guilt in the patient. Which are they pay for the rest of their life on the physical plane? arthritis and tumors are the cause of suppressed Sexually transmitted diseases.
In this case, Medorrhinum, Thuja, Sepia, Sabina, and Sarsaparilla are highly helpful Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of genital infections.
- Bouko Levy M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory,
- Genital infections – Clinical guidelines