Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer – Remedy Finder

Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer – Introduction:

Duodenal and peptic ulcers are two varieties that come under gastric ulcer. The cause is an erosion of mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum with peptic juices. Duodenal ulcer especially occurs as multiple ulcers. Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer can cure the gastric ulcer disease permanently without side effects.

This article particularly dedicated to answering the Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcers. In addition, Biochemic medicine for peptic ulcer mentioned. Moreover, the difference between the gastric ulcer and peptic ulcer explained. Especially, the best medicine for stomach ulcer is also discussed in this article. Furthermore, ‘Homeopathy medicine for gastric ulcer pain is the most important part. We have composed a Homeopathic remedy finder for Homeopathy medicine for gastric pain. In addition, ‘how to get rid of ulcers without medication’ are the other areas explained here.

Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer

Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer – Treatment:

Al in all Homeopathy has better treatment for multiple duodenal ulcers than conventional methods. As a result, Homeopathic medicines can cure gastric ulcer completely. On the other hand, Homeopathy offers root cause treatment for multiple duodenal ulcers.


Whether it is multiple or single, the Homeopathic medicine for duodenal ulcer remains the same.

For this reason below Homeopathic medicine are best in treatment for multiple duodenal ulcers.


Arsenicum Album – Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer with anxiety:

These duodenal ulcer patients have thirst for water, especially small quantities in shorter intervals. The duodenal ulcer patient with great anxiety needs Arsenicum album. Extreme weakness on the hand call for Arsenicum Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer.


Phosphorus – Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer have a desire for cool drinks:

The phosphorus patient with duodenal ulcer craves for cool water and cool drinks. Phosphorus especially indicated in tall and lean patients with duodenal ulcers. Moreover, the vomiting of water as soon as it becomes warm calls for phosphorus Homeopathic medicine for duodenal ulcer.


Argentum NitricumHomeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer with fears and anxiety:

Argentum Nitricum useful for gastric ulcer when the patient has great anxiety and fear of heights. It is the Homeopathic Medicine for gastric ulcer pain in case of anxiety. These duodenal ulcer patients especially desire sweets. Additionally trembling of fngers along with pain in stomach and anxiety call for Argentum nitricum as Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer.


How to get rid of multiple duodenal ulcers without medication:   

If you really want to get rid of duodenal ulcer, in fact, you need to follow the below guidelines.


  • First and foremost thing is you need to maintain your Biorhythm.
  • Take meals at regular intervals, which prevent your duodenal ulcer.
  • Do not avoid water when it thirsts.
  • Do not avoid food when it hungry.
  • Take sufficient seasonal fruits.
  • You need to take plenty of water.
  • Take more fiber foods.
  • On the other hand Practice Yoga and meditation to relieve your anxiety.


Practicing the above suggestions help, you safely get rid of duodenal ulcer.


Difference between gastric ulcer and peptic ulcer:

The difference between gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is very clear. In fact, whatever, maybe the difference Homeopathic Medicine for gastric ulcer pain and multiple duodenal ulcers are similar.


  • Pain in the stomach in case of peptic ulcer comes immediately after eating.
  • In fact, duodenal ulcer pain is after one or two hours of eating.
  • Peptic ulcer patients are lean. However, gastric ulcer patients are obese.
  • Gastric ulcer patients have increased hunger in spite of that peptic ulcer patient have fear of eating.


Biochemic medicine for peptic ulcer: 

  • Natrum Phosphoricum 6x is the best Biochemic medicine for peptic ulcer. Natrum Phosphoricum 6x relieves the peptic ulcer pain. Gastric or peptic ulcer pain patients can use Natrum phosphoricum 6x unconditionally. In fact, the dosage of Biochemic medicine Natrum phosphoricum 6x is morning 2 tablets and evening 2 tablets for one month.


Homeopathy medicine for Multiple duodenal ulcer –  Remedy finder:

Please answer few questions. We could suggest you the right Homeopathic remedy for your Gastric ulcer. Moreover, using this simple Homeopathic remedy finder tool, you can easily select your Homeopathic remedy for gastric ulcer or multiple duodenal ulcers. These questions designed on observation of numerous Gastric ulcer patients.

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The above article on homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer answered the following related queries that the users have.

  • Biochemic medicine for peptic ulcer:  It discussed very well in this article.
  • How to get rid of ulcers without medication:   Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcers a list of small guidelines is given to get rid of.
  • Stomach ulcer treatment Ayurveda: Homeopathy is best and always advantageous than stomach ulcer treatment in Ayurveda. For the reason that, homeopathy treats the duodenal or stomach ulcer without side effects.
  • Medicine for gastric ulcer pain:  duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer pain are the same.
  • Homeopathic medicine for ulcer in mouth:  This point not related to the current topic. It will explain in another article. Any way Arsenicum album, Merc Sol and Nitric Acid 200 are the best Homeopathic medicines for mouth ulcers.
  • Difference between gastric ulcer and peptic ulcer:  Especially a  little difference is given for users understanding.
  • Best Homeopathic medicine for stomach ulcer:  Homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcer and gastric ulcer are similar.
I am Dr.Devendra Kumar, I am a Homeopathic Physician. I pursued my BHMS degree from Dr.Gururaju Govt Homeopathic Medical College, Gudivada, and MD Homeopathy from JSPS Govt Homeopathic Medical College, Hyderabad, India.worked as Senior Research Fellow under Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, https://homeoresearch.com/about-me/

4 thoughts on “Homeopathy medicine for multiple duodenal ulcer – Remedy Finder

    1. Dear Phaniraj, Gastric ulcer and gastritis are 100% curable with homeopathic medicines. I have treated cases where patients stopped taking allopathic medicines who have adopted to take daily morning gas tablets since 10 years. A single dose of Homeopathic Remedy can cure your 10 years long standing gastric problem with in 3 days. Recently A police trafffice constable came to me with same problem, I have him a dose of Homeopathic medicine. He felt very happy and said I am free from my gastric complaints.said good by to allopathic gas tablets.This is about the wonderful action of HOmeopathic medicines on Gastritis.

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